Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Everyone wants to have a happy and prosperous life for himself and especially for his family. But no one knows what the future holds. No one can guarantee to live longer to give prosper and happy life to his family and children.  Many of us ignore this bitter reality that our life could come to an end prematurely any time without warning.  What would happen if you are the sole breadwinner and you were to pass away suddenly without protecting your family? The results could be disastrous for the surviving family members to deal with the large bills, pay household expenses, or even worse, loss of the family home for no longer covering the mortgage.

Your wise decision to secure the financial future of your loved ones is to buy a best life insurance in toronto. About 22 million Canadians owned life insurance policies in 2019 as per industry figures. Still, most Canadians don’t have enough life insurance. Life insurance policy is a shelter for your family to protect them financially and to maintain their standard of living if you are no longer with them. The benefits of life insurance in your lifetime should not be overlooked especially if you are young.


Financial protection of your family:

The most important benefit of life insurance is that in your lifetime your family is dependent on you and you don’t want to let them down even if you are gone. Whether it is paying for your children’s education, dealing with large utility or credit card bills, home loan, auto loan, personal loan or providing financial surety to your spouse needed by her, life insurance plays an instrumental role to take care of all and to protect surviving dependents.


Your retirement & long-term goals:

Some life insurance coverage  helps you to achieve your long term goals and objectives such as buying your dream home or a source of income when you are retired.

In order to achieve your long-term goals, FirstChoice Global Financial the best financial & Life insurance advisors in Toronto, is at your disposal. The experienced professionals at FC Global are concerned to provide you the best possible services.


You may not qualify in older age:

If you are young, you may avail the maximum benefits of Life insurance as it runs on uncertainties. You are young and healthy now; saving a little money and paying a premium to life insurance may seem to be an additional financial burden but not difficult at a young age. But what if you fall ill suddenly or diagnosed with a life-threatening disease? You may not be qualified to buy a life insurance policy. Therefore, it is wise to buy a life insurance plan now at a younger age because it will remain in force if your health deteriorates later on.

There are several types of Life Insurance in Canada:

  • Term Life Insurance
  • Universal Life Insurance
  • Whole Life Insurance
  • Non-Medical Life Insurance

You can rely on First Choice Global Financial’s team who can help and advise you in taking decision to buy a life insurance coverage. Life insurance is unique like your family. Every family is not the same, so why should your life insurance be? Therefore, the experienced life insurance agents at First Choice Global take the hassle out of the process and provide you with the best choices for the need of you and your family.

best life insurance in toronto

For any queries or concern
Click or Call Almas at 416 822 9709